What to expect

Most lessons will be 1.5 hours duration.  This allows plenty of time for recapping previous learning and setting and understanding new goals.

If you are a complete beginner, your first lesson will be fairly stationary as training will centre around safety procedures and car controls.  Subsequent lessons will progress at a pace to suit the customer and their individual learning aptitude.   Your instructor will keep you and the car safe and will initially provide easy to understand instruction and support.  As your driving skills progress, you will gradually get less in car support until you can drive the car safely in a confident and controlled manner.

As lessons progress, you will gain confidence driving on busy roads with pedestrian crossings, traffic lights and roundabouts.   This, together with completion of manoeuvres, will assist you to become the safe, confident driver we aim you to be.  You will also learn more about the controls and maintenance of your car with “show me, tell me” questions.  As well as knowledge of the car you are driving this also prepares you for your driving test where you will be asked similar questions.  Finally, as well as preparing you to be a safe, responsible and confident driver for life, we aim to also prepare you for your test so you arrive, and complete the test, feeling at ease.

Whilst you are learning to drive (or even before you begin lessons), you will be expected to sit your Theory Test.  You cannot apply for your Practical Test without passing your Theory so we would encourage you to begin study for this as soon as possible.  The Official DVSA Theory Test Kit is a great app that can assist you with this.