Practical Driving Test

When you have passed the theory test, and your instructor has advised you are ready for our Practical Driving Test, you should apply for a Practical Test. To book your practical test call 0300 200 1122 or book online. You will need your driving licence, theory test pass certificate and bank details to hand when you book the test.

Book a Practical Test online.

The Test Itself

Take your provisional photo card driving licence or, if you already have a full licence, your photo card licence or international licence.  

Time – approximately 40 minutes. 

The Examiner will meet you and you will be asked to sign the driving test report sheet.  You will then require to read a number plate at a distance of 20.5 metres. You’ll then be asked one “tell me” (explain how to carry out a safety task) question.  Prior to moving off, your Examiner will explain what the test involves. Unless directed by the Examiner, you will follow the road ahead.  The Examiner will give you clear directions in plenty of time.   During the drive you will be asked one of the “show me” (show how to carry out a safety task) questions. Your instructor will go over these prior to your test.

You must demonstrate a competent ability to drive a car safely in different traffic conditions, whilst following the highway code.

The test route will include a variety of roads, which could include roads with speed limits between 20mph and 70mph.

You will be asked to carry out one reversing exercise of either: pull up on right and reverse 2 car lengths; parallel park; park in a Bay (reverse in and drive out or drive in and reverse out).

You will require to drive independently for approximately 20-25 minutes which will either entail following a sat nav or following sign posts.  Don’t worry if you go the wrong way, you will pass the driving test as long as you drive safely.

 You may also be asked to carry out an emergency stop.  

The examiner has no quota or meet for passing or failing candidates.   If the required standard is met, you will pass the test.

How are you scored on the Test

Three types of faults can be noted by the Examiner:

  1. a dangerous fault – involves actual danger to you, the examiner, the public or property.
  2. a serious fault – could potentially be dangerous.
  3. a driving fault – not potentially dangerous, but could become a serious fault if repeated many times.

You can make up to 15 driving faults and still pass the test. If you make 16 or more driving faults, you won’t pass your test. If you make one serious or dangerous fault, you will not pass your test.

Test result

Pass – the Examiner may suggest any minor improvements you require and hand you a pass certificate.
The Examiner will also ask if you want your full licence to be sent to you automatically. If so, you will need to give your photocard licence to the examiner who will submit this for you. If you do not wish this to be done automatically, you will have two years to apply for your licence.

Fail – the Examiner will give you the option to have your driving instructor present for the debrief.   We recommend you accept this option as it may assist any future lessons you choose to have.  The debrief will explain why you failed along with any improvements you require.  You cannot resit the rest until ten clear working days have elapsed.